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README file from "texvol" directory

              ~4Dgifts/toolbox/src/exampleCode/GLX/texvol README

                   Volume Rendering using 2D and 3D textures

           texvol does volume rendering using 2d or 3d textures.
	   On machines, which do not have 3d texturing capability, 
	   you can run the program using 2d texture mode.
           To run the program in 2d texture mode type

           texvol -tex 2
           and for 3d textures:

           texvol -tex 3

	   Depending upon the hardware the performance will vary.
	   For example, on an Indigo where texturing is done
	   without hardware assist, the performance will be low. 
	   One can use the "degenerate option" to move the model 
	   on such machines. 

           The data is 128 x 128 x 64 slices of 8 bit values.
           LEFTMOUSE           : X and Y rotation
           MIDDLEMOUSE         : Zoom 
           LEFT & MIDDLE -MOUSE: Z rotation (order of click important)
           MIDDLE & LEFT -MOUSE: Panning (order of click important)
           UP & DOWN ARROW Keys: Move active clipping plane
           For trackball motion, press SHIFT key and then click 
           LEFTMOUSE for rotation.
           In Low Res Mode, use LEFT and RIGHT ARROWS to control
           In Depth Cue Mode, use LEFT and RIGHT ARROWS to control
           fog density.
           Yusuf Attarwala

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